Address: 200 St. John Street, Lafayette, LA 70501
Phone: (337)-235-0267
Grade: K-8th
Features (What's included in Kit):
- 1 Box of colors (24 count)
- 1-Pack of colored pencils
- 4-Large pink erasers
- 6-Plastic Pocket Folders with 3-hole rings
- 1-Pocket folder (for Library)
- 2-Glue sticks
- 3- Packs Kleenex
- 3-Packs loose leaf paper (wide rule)
- 2-Rolls paper towels
- 6-Packs of 24 count yellow # 2 pencils (already sharpened if possible, NO mechanical pencils)
- 1-Pair round tip scissors
- 1-Zipper pencil bag (no hard boxes)
- 1-Box gallon ziplock bags (Boys bring)
- 1-Box quart size ziplock bags (Girls bring)
- 2-Packs white paper
- 3-Large bottle hand sanitizer
- 2-(3-packs) Clorox disinfecting wipes
- 1-Pack Multiplication flash cards
- 1-Binder size 1” ½
- 1-Pack of highlighters